Monday, April 7, 2008

Mysterious Clocks

I've begun to wonder if there really is such a thing as passing of time. I sit at my desk and look around at the other people stuck in the same monotony as myself. Day in and day I wake up, eat, go to class, eat, go to work, eat, go to bed. The routine doesn't fancy itself a change, and I don't fancy myself to change it. Something odd happened the other day though, to break up the monotony slightly. For starters, I had an off week due to the fact that we'd been on glorious break for a grand total of three days--not counting the weekend. Add to that a dose of no one being back yet, and bored to tears and you have a cranky person. When I returned to work after break, I was sitting spinning in my chair (hopefully no one saw me) when I noticed one clock that said it was 10:30. I spun my chair in the other direction--seeing as we have two clocks on parallel sides of the room--and observed the time to be 2:30. Knowing that my shift started at 1:00, and that it was still light out... I quickly deduced that someone had fiddled with the clocks in an attempt to make time move faster... too bad it was just malfunctioning batteries. *Sigh*

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