Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Oddity of it All

Strange things have been happening on campus lately. People just wander aimlessly around looking for who knows what, and teachers let students out of class early. I've noticed that this happens any time the sun shines. I'm beginning to think there's a connection... hm. For instance, just today a friend asked me to eat outside with her. I was more than willing to, but the moment I stepped outside an urge to act totally wacko sprung upon me. Before you know it, I was throwing french fries at people and laughing like a maniac. The birds were singing the sun was shining and Steve was putting honey mustard in my hair. I really have to wonder about that Steve fellow sometimes. Anyway, I thought I would describe the ailments... see if anyone had any clue what caused this berserk behavior.

1 comment:

Alanna said...

Was I that friend?? I think all that sounds vaguely familiar!