Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh, Boy

Sometimes, when life is going the smoothest, you hit a sharp right turn that had no warning signs. Veering, you careen crazily until you finally come to an abrupt stop--thanks to a tree. The tree doesn't total your car, but you're trapped because for some reason you can't get your car to go into reverse. Realizing that you have no other options you decide to get out of your car and observe the scene from a broader viewpoint. Tactical maneuver driver, but how on earth do you suppose that will do you any good when you have somehow managed--only the Lord knows how--to drive safely through a forest up until this tree?
If this story means nothing to you, it is due in part to the fact that you have no clue the type of personality I have. Despite this small problem, this is a story that could apply to life, and in a way does... to mine of course. This is MY blog you would think I would have something to do with it.
I'm driving along only hitting minor speed bumps in the friend/relationship department, when I discover that someone has unknowingly removed the sign that warns me about the sharp right turn. I careen, I crash, I am stuck. Backpedaling at this point is not an option and so therefore dear readers--whomever you may be--I am stuck with a decision. Do I attempt to work my way around this tree and hopefully get back on course? Or do I realize that this tree is something that was necessary for some reason? I may have needed to hit this tree to realize that I was flying past important landmarks or milestones in my life. Maybe there's a friendship that would be better if it were stronger... I DON'T KNOW!!!
Sometimes I think the only one who understands me even remotely is my mother, but even she is no help. *Sigh*. . . Maybe I'll just go to bed and hopefully the tree thing will all be a dream

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