Monday, May 12, 2008

The End is Forthcoming

I find myself once again glancing at my last post with fond memory of that eventful evening. I accomplished the impossible and did quite well. Amazing the power one can maintain over one's will if one will but only try.

I had hoped that this blog entry would come on a more positive note than what it is arriving on, but from the title the reader can derive that the end is nigh. I have little hope for the future except that it is almost ended. I cannot help but revel in the well being I feel at the thought of quitting the monotony of life I currently find myself in. NO more will I feel trampled on by the rampaging elephants of projects, papers, and plans. I have loaded my elephant gun and have met my problems face on. That is probably the main reason I look the way I do. Enough about all that. There are only seven more days of horrible punishment and then I shall be free. I shall triumph.

I shall retire to the boring monotony of summer. I hope this does not sadden you, for it fills my heart with ecstasy.

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